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2010년 11월 27일(토) 저녁 7시
싸이먼 아트홀(대륭테크노타운 12차 3층 320호)
The King's Delight - Anonymous
(The 2nd Supplement to the Dancing Master, 3rd edition, 1665, J.playford)
The Night Watch - Anthony Holborne (1545?-1602)
(Pavans, Galliards, Almain, 1599)
Wilson's Wilde - Anonymous
All in a Garden Green - Anonymous
(English Dancing Master, J. Playford, 1651)
The Shoemaker's Wife- John Dowland (1563-1625)
Mrs. Winter's Jump - John Dowland (1563-1625)
(The Dowland Lute Book, J. Dowland)
Tarleton's Resurrection - John Dowland (1563-1625)
(The Wickhambrook Lute Book, J. Dowland)
*My mind to me a kingdom is - William Byrd (c.1540-1623)
(William Byrd, Psalmes, Sonets & songs of sadnes and pietie, london, 1588)
*Now, o now, I needs must part - Anonymous
(to the tune of J. Dowland's "The Frogg galliard")
Concerto for2 Violins, Strings & B.C. ind minor BWV1043 - J.S.Bach (1685-1750)
*Soprano - Juhey Jung
오시는 길
"My mind to me a kingdom is" - William Byrd
William Byrd, Psalmes, Sonets & songs of sadnes and pietie (London, 1588)
Ancient Music Guitar Ensemble
Reconstruction & arr. - Shin, Dong Hoon
Unequal temperament - a' = 430Hz
November21, 2010